Article: About: Laura Mora. The artist behind the Sajú BOA collection.
About: Laura Mora. The artist behind the Sajú BOA collection.
Laura Mora graduated in plastic arts from the Universidad De Los Andes in 2017, at which time her degree thesis “Untitled” was classified as meritorious. This mention allowed him to participate in the Otto de Greiff award, one of the most important nationally in terms of art and science. “Untitled” also allowed her to gain a place in the national competition for the best theses in the country “Proyecto Tesis” where her work was consecrated as the winner of the distinction.
That brilliant start has allowed him to participate in fairs such as Art Chico, group exhibitions in galleries, such as: The Museum in its exhibition “immortal painting” during the two editions that it has been held, in the Beta Gallery and in different alternative spaces.
Today, Laura presents Sajú's latest collection, a collection that seeks to highlight the biodiversity of our country and is inspired by the more than 300 species of snakes that inhabit Colombian territory.
Sajú BOA is much more than a glasses hanger, it is a work of art that highlights the biodiversity of our country.
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