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Terms and Conditions Sajú Ambassadors Campaign.

Version: 04/03/2020

  1. PURPOSE: This program is organized by LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS, identified with the Nit. 901.214.145-7 and domiciled at Cra 49b #93-56 office 101, from now on “SAJU”, and allows the AMBASSADOR to monetize the content generated in his own social media PROFILE, through a PERSONALIZED COUPON . When the AMBASSADOR 's customers purchase participating products on the page using the PERSONALIZED COUPON the AMBASSADOR will be eligible to receive a commission for QUALIFIED PURCHASES . (QUALIFIED PURCHASES are detailed below in section 4)

  1. MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: SAJU reserves the right to modify these T&Cs. Also to completely replace them, for example, if the program changes, ends or becomes part of another existing campaign. If you do not agree with the modifications or replacement generated, you may choose to terminate your participation in the program. The fact that you continue in the program, after the modification or change of the T&C constitutes your acceptance of these. If any modification is unacceptable, your only option is to terminate your participation.

  1. ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM AND PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: The AMBASSADOR must meet the following conditions to be part of the program:

  • Over 18 years old.
  • Have an active Instagram account.
  • Follow @Saju and allow @Saju to follow you.
  • Have a RappiPay account.
  • Accept the T&C.
  • You must immediately provide us with any information we request to verify your compliance with this Agreement.
  • At all times it must be clear to customers that, as a brand AMBASSADOR, you earn commissions on your sales.
  • You must be friendly and respectful to all other brand AMBASSADORS.
  • The coupon is only for use on social networks. Participating in the program does not give you any right to sell SAJU items at any type of events.
  • You cannot comment on anything related to the brand's networks with your discount code.

  1. PAYMENT OF COMMISSIONS: SAJU will pay the AMBASSADOR a commission with a base of no less than 10% of the COMMISSION BASE on all QUALIFIED PURCHASES. A QUALIFIED PURCHASE occurs when the following elements are met: 1) THE CUSTOMER uses the CUSTOM COUPON when making their purchase on 2) THE CUSTOMER'S payment is processed and received by SAJÚ. 3) The order is processed and shipped and does not enter the return stage.


The COMMISSION BASE is obtained using the following formula:


Example: A CUSTOMER uses his/her PERSONALIZED COUPON to purchase an item on that has a sales price of: $100,000 COP and pays 10,000 shipping. The PERSONALIZED COUPON automatically discounts 20% on the products, once SAJU receives the payment for 90,000 ((100,000 – 20%) + 10,000)) the AMBASSADOR will be eligible to receive a commission of 10% on the COMMISSION BASE that in this case would be 67,226 (((90,000 – 10,000) /1.19) = 67,226). Finally, for this example transaction, the AMBASSADOR will have a credit balance of: $6,722 COP.

COMMISSIONS will be settled on the first business day of each month and will be paid within a period of no more than the following 48 hours.

  1. USE OF THE SAJÚ BRAND BY THE AMBASSADOR: For the purposes of the aforementioned program, SAJU will grant the AMBASSADOR the right to use the Sajú brand for the marketing of products in Colombian territory, under the following terms:

  1. The Ambassador may use the SAJU brand for promotional purposes on social networks or events.
  2. SAJU will provide a manual for the use of the SAJU brand to the AMBASSADOR. This manual may be modified by SAJU, in which case it must immediately inform the AMBASSADOR.
  3. The AMBASSADOR must comply with the minimum guidelines given by SAJU.
  4. The granting of use of the SAJU brand does not imply, in any way, the transfer of the brand in favor of the AMBASSADOR in Colombian territory or in any other territory.
  5. SAJU, at any time, may require the AMBASSADOR to: modify, adjust, remove or delete any publication in relation to the SAJU brand.

  1. NATURE OF THE AGREEMENT: The AMBASSADOR: expressly recognizes that by virtue of the nature of the agreement, the essential elements of an employment contract, commission contract or commercial agency contract are not configured, and, therefore, upon termination of the contract, THE AMBASSADOR will in no case have the right to claim payment of the rights included in said contracts under the law of the commercial law of commercial severance and compensation enshrined in article 1324 of the Colombian Commercial Code.