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Terms and Conditions "Trip to ARUBA"


Publication date: August 23, 2023

Dear client, before participating in the activity “JOURNEY TO ARUBA” , organized by the company called LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS identified with Nit No. 901.214.145-7 and the Aruba Tourism Authority in Colombia identified with Nit 901.023.905-8. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully since by simply participating in the activity you are accepting them. If you do not agree with any or all of them, please refrain from participating.

Objective: This activity called “TRIP TO ARUBA” is solely and exclusively intended to have fun and learn, so it is not a raffle, game of luck and chance or any other similar game or where fortune or chance prevails, nor is it intended The objective is to deliver a certain prize, however, as will be described later, the best 5 scores will be considered winners and will be recognized as such through an incentive.

What does it consist of?: This activity, called “TRIP TO ARUBA” is a knowledge test, hence its name TRIVIA, where whoever has the greatest number of correct answers will be the winner.

How to take part?:

  1. Participants must follow the account “@SAJU” & "@ARUBABONBINI" from their personal Instagram profile throughout the duration of the Contest from 08/24/2023 to 08/30/2023.
  2. The Participants must share, through a story on their personal account, the Instagram publication that will be published from the official SAJÚ account (@saju) and that will refer to the Contest.
  3. The story must be shared from the Participant's personal account for twenty-four (24) hours and prior to the start of the Contest. If the Participant does not maintain the publication for twenty-four (24) hours, this condition will not be considered met.
  4. Participants must tag a real person in the Instagram post that will be published from the official SAJÚ account (@saju ) and that will refer to the Contest.
  5. After sharing the publication referred to in Section 2 above, the Participants must enter the gaming platform (Kahoot). on Tuesday, August 29 at 6:30 PM. The code to enter KAHOOT will be communicated through Sajú's IG Live and it is mandatory that the person be connected at that moment to be able to participate.
  6. Participants must use their Instagram username as USERNAME on the KAHOOT platform. Example: PRADILLA114. (Make sure you know their own terms and conditions, as well as are familiar with that website before our activity)
  7. The number of participants in the “LA TRIVIA” activity is reduced to 2,000 places, so participating in the terms stipulated here does not necessarily mean that you will play.
  8. The first five (5) Participants who have complied with and accepted these Terms and Conditions and who have obtained the highest (5) scores in the KAHOOT game will be the possible Winning Participants of the Contest.

The KAHOOT website is provided by a third party other than LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS, and with which we have no relationship, so we cannot ensure its proper functioning, compatibility with the client's devices or the content included in it, among others. other circumstances, so LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS is not responsible for any situation that occurs with said website.

Incentive: Although the activity is not intended to award a specific prize, as an incentive the 5 highest scores will be awarded a recognition consisting of:

  • Experience TRIP TO ARUBA for the highest score.
  • ARUBA by Sajú Sunglasses for the 5 highest scores.
  • The incentive does not include any other aspect not expressly reported such as transportation costs to cities other than Bogotá, snacks, hotel nights, among others.


• Accommodation in one of the hotels in Aruba with breakfast included. 3 nights, 4 days. For 2 persons.
• Round trip tickets: Bogotá – Aruba – Bogotá. 2 people.
• In 2023, you can make your trip until November 30, 2023, as the last return date, or from May 15 to November 30, 2024, as the last return date.
• Dates are subject to availability.

The benefit does not include:

• Transportation in the country of origin and other items that are not related to the previous point.
• Meals in the hotel or outside the hotel, other than breakfast.
• Lunches and dinners in Aruba.
• Transfers in Aruba.
• Travel insurance
• Changes or payment of penalties are not accepted in the event that changes are made to the date of the trip that was initially agreed upon.
• The amount of benefits to be delivered will be one (1) trip to the island of Aruba for 2 people, taking into account what this includes, information in the previously mentioned items.


• Valid passport.
• International certificate (yellow card) of the yellow fever vaccine. If you do not have it, you must apply 10 days before the trip. (People over 60 years of age are exempt from this requirement, the vaccine must be applied 10 days before the trip to Aruba).
• Follow the steps and recommendations that the Latin American Tourism Authority will give you for carrying out the trip, when delivering the minutes to the beneficiary.
• Economic solvency.

It's important to put attention on:
• They must have their residence and domicile in Colombia during the entire duration of the ACTIVITY and while the benefit is REDEEMED.
• Be of legal age (18 years).
• The Instagram account must be public and must follow the account @arubabonbini and @saju.
• To make the trip you must have a valid passport.
• If any visa procedure is required at the time of travel, this procedure must be carried out directly by the winner. (If apply). Colombia does not need a visa to travel to Aruba.
• The prize is not exchangeable for money.
• You must have an International Certificate (yellow card) of the yellow fever vaccine. If you do not have it, you must apply 10 days before the trip.
• Follow the steps and recommendations that the Tourism Authority will give you to carry out the trip.
• The beneficiary must redeem their trip in 2023 or 2024, on the aforementioned dates.


• Request the reservation 2 months before the trip.
• Send email to and to redeem the trip, they will provide all the information, along with the benefit delivery certificate that was given at the time of delivery of the benefit.

LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS and TOURISM AUTHORITY are not responsible for any situation that occurs during the enjoyment or during the execution of the incentive.

Delivery of the incentive: The incentive will be delivered taking into account the following considerations, situations or rules.

The incentive will only be given to people of legal age.

The incentive will be delivered on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

Only the activity has 5 incentives to award, which will be awarded to the 5 highest scores.

The name of the people who receive the incentive will be informed through Sajú's IG Live, once the trivia is over. In the event that the person receiving the incentive rejects it for any reason, it will be given to the person who has the next score and so on until all 5 incentives are delivered, since the idea is to deliver all of them.

In the event of a tie in points, it will be settled, first, by the person who made the purchase for the highest amount. If the tie continues, the incentive will be given for the lowest number of products purchased and if despite the above, the tie persists, the incentive will be delivered in strict alphabetical order of the names and surnames, as they appear on your citizenship card. Under no circumstances will the incentive be awarded through luck or chance.

The person who receives the incentive declares that they do not have any illness, condition or circumstance that prevents them from enjoying it.

The incentive is not redeemable for any sum of money or refundable or exchangeable for SAJU brand products or for any type of product or service, nor is it assignable under any circumstances.

LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS and TOURISM AUTHORITY will not, under any circumstances, make payment of compensation for expenses assumed by whoever receives the incentive, whether before, during or after this activity.

    Conditions and Restrictions: The activity will have the general conditions and restrictions

    1. Activity intended solely and exclusively for people of legal age.
    2. People who:
      1. Are members of LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS or the ARUBA TOURISM AUTHORITY or their relatives in the third degree of consanguinity, first degree of affinity or only civil
      2. Suppliers of the company called LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS or the ARUBA TOURISM AUTHORITY or its directors or administrators.
    3. The person who does not connect to Sajú's IG Live at the time of the live activity will not be able to participate.
    4. People from all over the world can participate. However, the activity will be carried out in the city of Bogotá, not from the city of residence of each winner.
    5. This activity and its incentive is not a promotion or contest.
    6. By participating in the Monkey Trivia it is understood that you accept these Terms and Conditions and exonerate LA FAMILIA DEL MONO SAS and the ARUBA TOURISM AUTHORITY from any responsibility when carrying out the activity or enjoying the incentive.

    The benefit does not include:

    • Transportation in the country of origin and other items that are not related to the previous point.
    • Meals in the hotel or outside the hotel, other than breakfast.
    • Lunches and dinners in Aruba.
    • Transfers in Aruba.
    • Travel insurance
    • No changes or payment of penalties are accepted in the event that changes are made to the date of the trip to the one initially agreed upon.
    • The amount of benefits to be delivered will be one (1) trip to the island of Aruba for 2 people, taking into account what this includes, information in the previously mentioned items.
    • Recreational activities or sports on the island.